Reusables - The New Way?
Hygienic reprocessing of reusable food packaging
In this webinar, a cooperation of Ecolab and the German reusable packaging association (Mehrwegverband Deutschland e.V.), the legal framework for the obligation to provide reusable packaging for out-of-home catering was presented and the topic of hygienic processing of reusable plastic packaging was explored in more detail.
In this recording you will find answers to the following questions, among others:
- Does the pizza box fall into this category or not?
- What about the common packaging of large fast-food restaurants?
- Who is responsible and what can optimal implementation strategies look like? How can the consumer acceptance be increased?
- What is the difference between plastic and porcelain and glass when it comes to cleaning, and what role does usage outside of catering facilities have?
- What obstacles need to be overcome here and what kind of support can be expected?
This webinar was conducted in German language.
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Dr, Anika Oppermann
CEO at Mehrwegverband Deutschland e.V.
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Marion Zwingenberger
European Expert Technical Service & Training, Ecolab
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Heidi Busch
Marketing Manager Foodservice & OPL, Ecolab