Advantages of Purate™ Chlorine Dioxide
Simply put, PURATE is the best total cost for onsite chlorine dioxide (ClO2) generation. PURATE is your best choice for ClO2. Some advantages include the two-chemical feed, no-chlorine gas feed, high efficiency chlorate conversion, global support and more. This chart provides a comparison of PURATE and other popular ClO2 technologies.
Best Total Cost
Evaluating Overall Cost
A ClO2 system entails capital spending for the equipment and ongoing costs for the feed chemicals. An astute customer will evaluate their options based on the combined cost of equipment and chemicals. And in doing so, PURATE will be the obvious choice.
Customers find that even a free chlorite generator is NO bargain when they add up the total costs. PURATE offers savings each and every day. PURATE, the best technology is also the best overall value.
First - Get Quality Equipment
SVP-Pure generators using PURATE technology are unmatched in quality of design, construction and reliability. Sure, there are inexpensive chlorite generators on the market. But years of hassle with poor equipment are the result. PURATE offers an array of generators, each with quality and reliable construction.
Second - Look at Chemical Costs, How Can PURATE Have an Economic Advantage?
Chemicals are an ongoing cost and in many cases, the annual cost for feed chemicals will exceed the purchase cost of a generator. When it comes to chemical costs, Purate has a technology and economic advantage over chlorite based systems.
Here's how:
PURATE technology is sodium chlorate based, as compared to sodium chlorite, like competing processes. Why does that matter? Sodium chlorite producers make sodium chlorite from sodium chlorate. It involves an expensive process of producing ClO2 and then converting to sodium chlorite so that it can be reconverted to ClO2 at the users site. We simply produces the ClO2 on site from sodium chlorate, a sizable economic advantage.
No Chlorine Gas. Ever.
PURATE technology does not use chlorine gas as a feed chemical and does not produce chlorine as a byproduct. Avoiding the use of chlorine gas eliminates the concerns and expenses associated with its use.
Competitors - Chlorine gas process
The chlorite + chlorine process uses an excess of chlorine to the reactor. So not only is the handling of chlorine gas required, but the chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solution also contains chlorine.
The chlorite + HCl + Hypo process obviously does not use chlorine gas as a feed, but HCl and Hypo are used to produce chlorine for reacting with the chlorite. Excess Hypo and HCl are fed to the reactor resulting in excess chlorine which then ends up in the ClO2 solution.
Reliable and Easy to Operate
PURATE simply has more to offer
PURATE technology has undergone rigorous process reviews to ensure reliable operation.
The generator is constructed of high quality, rugged components to avoid failures that can lead to accidents or downtime. We provide a special hose connection for offloading PURATE in order to prevent the accidental introduction of Purate into the wrong tank, or of another product into the PURATE tank. The onboard PLC controller provides easy to configure setpoints, process information to the operator and takes the guess work out of set up and operation.
Simple two-chemical feed
Fewer deliveries equates to less risk
PURATE is a simple two-chemical feed process using PURATE and sulfuric acid. Both are easy to store and handle. Ordinary materials of construction are suitable for storage tanks and piping.
Competing processes use hydrochloric acid, chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite even though sodium chlorite is readily handled. These chemicals are more difficult to handle, present serious safety considerations or are unstable and degrade in storage. The three-chemical chlorite process requires the storage and handling of three chemical products and requires 50% more deliveries than PURATE technology.